Jesus, Period.

Who is God? Do we know who we’re talking about when we talk about Jesus? How we answer these questions is critical. The message of the cross proclaims throughout the generations that you – we – are worth the blood of a God. This God’s love and power are breathtaking, and it is on the cross that the Star-breather became the Sin-bearer. Easter Sunday is a reminder of the type of God that Jesus is, and it has profound implications on the way we live our life.

Read Colossians 1:15-17.

Scripture tells us all things were created through Jesus and for Jesus. Psalm 33:6 says that God is a star-breather: “by the breath of his mouth the starry host was made.”

- What are some things in Creation that move you to worship God?

Jordan said that sin amplifies our self and it minimizes God. - - Do you agree? How have you seen this at work in your life, and how do we re-maximize God?

Read Acts 2:23-24; 3:15; 4:2-3; 4:8-10.

To the apostles and earliest Christians, the resurrection was all that mattered.  

- What things threaten to overtake the primary importance of the resurrection in your life?

- How can we better protect against those threats?

Jordan finished the sermon by saying that God is big enough to hold on to you, no matter what has happened or is happening in your life.

- Share with the group how you have experienced his love at a difficult point in your life.

A song was mentioned at the end of the sermon called “O Sacred Head.” A line in that song says, “let me never, never outlive my love for you.”

- How do we ensure this never happens for us, and what does the resurrection have to do with it?

Pray to close.