HOPE worldwide NR shares an important announcement from the American Red Cross: There is currently a severe blood shortage and an urgent need for blood donations! Every 3 seconds, someone in the USA requires blood. Please give blood and save lives.
During the COVID pandemic, blood donations and the blood supply remained extremely low. Now that previously postponed surgeries and cancer treatments are resuming, as well as increased highway driving is causing more accidents, the blood shortage is at a critically low level.
HOPE worldwide North River would like to connect our North River members and friends to local opportunities to donate blood.
It is easy to donate blood! There are 2 or 3 places within your community every day where you can safely donate blood through the American Red Cross.
Find A Drive: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive
Download Red Cross App: https://www.redcrossblood.org/blood-donor-app.html
You will find a convenient day, time, and location to give. The whole process from check-in to restoring refreshments afterward takes approximately ONE HOUR. One hour can save up to three people's lives!
Questions? Contact Kevin or Noelle Broyles at 919-699-8745.