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Church On Sunday!

10 AM | Auditorium

Join us for worship this Sunday! We will be having a special service honoring amazing people who serve among us! Servant Fair immediately following service!

If you are able, please park at Howard St. Lot. 

This service still includes a mask-only section for those who prefer it.

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Servant Fair This Sunday!


Our Servant Fair is this Sunday, right after the 10 AM Service, in the auditorium. This is an annual event, in which we set up booths to explain every area of service related to Sunday Service. Everyone in the congregation can walk around to each booth and find out all the info, ask questions, and sign up for the coming year. Click for all the info!

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Christmas Service December 17

Two Services: 9 and 11 AM

We are excited about our special Christmas Service coming up on December 17th! There will be two services (9 and 11 AM) and we will be featuring our kids choir, adult choir, orchestra, original songs, and dramatic presentation!

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Star Has Been Restored!

We welcome back Lukendra “Star” Riddle (center left) back into the Body of Christ, as she has been restored to the faith! Star is part of our Intown Ministry. We rejoice with Star and with God and the angels!

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Carmen Was Baptized!

Carmen Grau (center) is an amazing woman with a heart full of kindness and compassion! Her aunt in Bolivia became a disciple four years ago and she told us about her treasured niece who lives in Lawrenceville, Georgia. And it just so happened that she lived very close to Harold and Suzanne Carman! Both Suzanne and I loved Carmen from the moment we met her! As she studied the Bible for the first time in her life, her love for God, Jesus, and His church family has grown so deeply and genuinely. Carmen is so grateful for the gift God has given her to be born again! She is eager to continue growing in her faith and is so excited to share God's love with everyone around her! - Noelle Broyles

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Anthony Was Baptized!

Anthony Vazquez (center right), one of our amazing teens, a senior in high school was baptized Dec 6th! Anthony and his family moved here during the pandemic and he has quickly integrated himself as part of our family and has been a glue and source of light for our teen ministry. Anthony teaches us how to laugh, how to wonder about God in nature, and how to keep life light. We can’t wait to see how Anthony uses his gifts to benefit all of us and honor God. Congratulations Anthony!

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Aiden Was Baptized!

Aiden Cromwell was baptized on Sunday, December 3rd! Aiden is a freshman at KSU and is majoring in engineering. Aiden found the church in August from Google Maps. He is excited to be a part of this family and meet more people. He has been proactive, consistent, and eager in his relationship with God. We rejoice in his decision to make Jesus the Lord of his life!

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Church In Accra Appoints Elders

Jimmy Parry and Sylvannus Azumah

Jimmy Parry and Sylvannus Azumah were appointed as elders in the Accra Church of Christ on Sunday. These are great men of God and great servants of the disciples there in Accra. They worked closely with us on our recent Visions+Dreams trip to Ghana and we plan to return there in October next year. Please send your congratulations to them and the church. They are the 3rd set of elders in Africa and this is great news for the disciples in Africa.

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for those in our church family who are hurting, those named here and others not on this list. If you have prayer requests, please let us know at

  • Gary Poulk: Gary Poulk, brother of Sandy Kirkley & uncle to Talia King, passed away last week after battling cancer. Sandy is unable to attend church in person & would be very encouraged by cards. 55 Henderson St. SW apt. 612 Marietta, GA 30064
  • Tony Turner: Please pray for Tony as his brother, Leo Turner, Jr., passed away recently. Pray God gives Tony strength and wisdom as he has to go identify his body alone and try to sort out a few of his affairs, and has no clue what he’s walking into, so pray that God will hold his hand and light his path. Tony and Cheryl are in the NW Community.
  • Rusty Morgan: Please pray for Rusty as he was taken to the hospital Sunday morning. They are still running tests to figure out the cause of the episode. Please pray that they can find the problem and that he will be made whole soong. Rusty and Danielle are part of the NW Community.
  • Rick Ballew: Please pray for Rick as he is dealing with some health challenges, pushing through, trusting God.
  • The Childs Family: Debora Childs's mother and father both passed away recently. Please continue praying for comfort for her and her whole family. 
  • Bob Keen: Please pray for Bob as he recovers from heart surgery. Please pray for complete healing.
  • Harvey Allen: Our brother Harvey was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Please pray for complete healing.
  • Greg Lynn: Karl Lynn's brother, Greg, has STAGE 4 lung and kidney cancer. The cancer is in both lungs. Please pray for Greg, his kids and wife Brenda. 
  • Judith Hicks: Judith is experiencing several mental health issues that constantly attack her faith. Please pray for her to have a firm faith in God and Jesus and to be healed mentally.
  • Dana Hawkins: Please continue to pray for full recovery from cancer.