Special Hero Day this Sunday during the 11 AM service! There will be a normal 9 AM service in the Lighthouse. We'll be serving cookies and beverages after the 11 AM service in front of the auditorium. If you have someone coming and would like to share about them at the service, contact Nick Shoff at nickshoff@nrcoc.com.
Please park at Overflow Parking at Howard St. if you are able since we will be having more visitors!
Don't miss the Men's Prayer Breakfast this Saturday morning! It's a great opportunity for meaningful fellowship for the men in the church of all ages and backgrounds.
Jania (18) and Rita (84) were both baptized this past Sunday! We rejoice in what God is doing as He transforms lives of all ages and backgrounds!
Check out these great service opportunities through the North River chapter of HOPE worldwide!
Join us in person for a workshop on the heart we need to have when approaching volunteerism and community service. This will be in the Lighthouse Theatre following service that day.
Camp Swamp is hosting amazing retreats throughout the upcoming school year, starting this month!
Brian has been diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma, and is in his third round of chemotherapy. Click to learn more about how you can help Brian and Christie Sires.